015-492 9000
Postnet Suite #59 || C/o Totius & Hooge Street || Private Bag X2449, Mokopane, 0600
Life Orientation L2 (Level 2)
Life Orientation L3 (Level 3)
Life Orientation L4 (Level 4)
Mathematical Literacy L2 (Level 2)
Mathematical Literacy L3 (Level 3)
Mathematical Literacy L4 (Level 4)
Mathematics L3 (Level 3)
Mathematics L4 (Level 4)
Mathematics L2 (Level 2)
Applied Policing L4 (Level 4)
Criminal Justice Process L4 (Level 4)
Criminal Justice Structures And Mandates L3 (Level 3)
Criminal Law L3 (Level 3)
Governance L3 (Level 3)
Governance L4 (Level 4)
Introduction To Governance L2 (Level 2)
Introduction To Law L2 (Level 2)
Introduction To Policing Practices L2 (Level 2)
Law Procedures And Evidence L4 (Level 4)
Principles Of Criminal Justice L2 (Level 2)
Theory Of Policing Practices L3 (Level 3)